Independent Film Production in Miami – Cinematographer Alejandro E. Fuenmayor
4ArtistsByArtists had the luck to be part of Director Famor Botero’s new Film “Los Ocho”. We handled Principal Photography for
Los Ocho, a short film inspired by a great immigration reform in U.S. history, produced by Hernan Caporaso, Christian Carabias and directed by Famor Botero. A project called a miracle after millions of people are affected by not carrying out such reform.
Los Ocho features a cast with some of the most famous Latino television actors in the United States and in their countries. The filming locations will take place at the cities of Miami, Los Angeles and Mexico City, and also in some parts of Arizona State. Will be presented in january 2015 in different cities throughout U.S. and latin america.
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Director of Photography in Miami

#LosOcho #SoyUnOcho #SomosHumanos #ReformaMigratoria #Reforma
#LaBandaDeLosOcho #ArtistasUnidosPorUnaReformaReal
#NecesitamosUnaReformaReal #Latinos #Mexicanos #Colombianos #Salvadorenos
#ArtistasUnidos #UnidosPorUnaReforma #NoSomosCriminales
#UnitedForAReform #WeAreOneVoice #OneVoice #OneLove #WeAreOne
#ImmigrationReform #ArtistsUnited #WeNeedARealReform #TheGangOfEight
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